Who We Are

New Creation Worship Center

Big things come in small packages, so they say. The same can be said about New Creation Worship Center (NCWC). Established 16 years ago, New Creation Worship Center has over 150 members which is modest in comparison to today’s mega churches. But, on our small island of Bermuda, NCWC does not operate in “small thinking”. There is clearly something bigger happening behind the scenes.

Located in the old Berkeley Gymnasium in Pembroke, New Creation Worship Center was founded by Apostle Jimmie Denwiddie and Pastor Maybelle Denwiddie after receiving a prophetic word from God in February 1999. Without unwavering faith or doubts, this dynamic pastoral team allowed God to broaden their territories and in doing so, established a ministry focused on healing and strengthening and promoting wholeness to both individuals and families alike. At NCWC, our fundamental belief is that everyone is a new creature once they have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal redeemer and Lord and Savior.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. (2 Corinthians 5:17)

NCWC flows in the prophetic and members and visitors alike can expect to receive a sure word from the Lord. It’s an exciting worship experience at NCWC as we are passionate about praising our Lord! We exalt the name of God with a thankful and joyful heart as we enter into His gates to receive His anointing and refreshing—as He directs us in how to apply His word throughout our daily living. By doing so, we simply want to share the powerful testimonials of how God has changed, impacted and revolutionized not only our thinking but how we now live with a sense of expectancy—knowing our God is able to do the exceedingly, above all we can ask or think! Amen!

Friends, this is the message we want to share throughout the 21 square miles of this island and beyond our shores! Our community involvement demonstrate God’s love and kindness for His people. We also offer biblical economic training so we can help people better understand the pitfalls of poor financial planning and responsibility. And, we also strive to assist NCWC members and non-members alike to identify their potential; while simultaneously understanding God’s purpose and plans for their lives. At NCWC, we train everyone to be someone for the Kingdom of God.

Learn more about Apostle Jimmie Denwiddie and Pastor Maybelle Denwiddie.